010916-N-7479T-501 Ground Zero, New York City, N.Y. (Sept. 16, 2001) -- A lone fire engine at the crime scene in Manhattan where the World Trade Center collapsed following the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. Surrounding buildings were heavily damaged by the debris and massive force of the falling twin towers. Clean-up efforts are expected to continue for months. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Eric J. TIlford. (RELEASED)

Sept. 11

My source::Wikimedia Commons

I learned that 9/11 was a tragedy and one f the worst days ever, but I also learned that it brought people close together.It is horrible knowing how much people died for either saving people or the people who died for doing nothing wrong. Osama Benlotten was the leader of that day , but a couple years later we got our revenge.Then they crashed into the pentagon, but luckly they crashed into the remodeling part so not that much people got hurt. People had a choice to either jump out of the twin towers or burn.On the fourth plane that got hijacked people got calls from family members and ounce they heard they started whispering and the fought to risk there lives and save other people, and those are true HERO’S! The twin towers collapsed after a short while.

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